Referendum – Notice of Referendum & Poll

Referendum – Notice of Referendum & Poll

Cheshire West and Chester Council 


Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan Area

Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Darnhall

  1. A referendum will be held on Thursday 6th May 2021 to decide on the question below:

“Do you want Cheshire West and Chester Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Darnhall area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”

  1. Applications to be included on the register of electors for this election must be received no later than Monday 19th April 2021.
  2. New applications for, or amendments or cancellations of, postal votes and amendments or cancellations of existing proxy votes, must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at 1st Floor Civic Way, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE by 5pm on Tuesday 20th April 2021.
  3. New applications to vote by proxy must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at 1st Floor Civic Way, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE by 5pm on Tuesday 27th April 2021.
  4. Applications to vote by proxy on the grounds of physical incapacity or employment reasons, or because you have to self-isolate due to covid-19, must reach the Electoral Registration Officer at HQ, 58 Nicholas Street, Chester, Cheshire, CH1 2NP by 5pm on Thursday 6th May 2021.

 Dated: Thursday 25th March 2021                                                                                         Andrew Lewis
 Counting Officer
Cheshire West and Chester Council, Democratic Services,
1st Floor, Civic Way 4 Civic Way Ellesmere Port CH65 0BE
Printed and Published by The Counting Officer, Cheshire West and Chester Council

Notice of Referendum​ has now been posted on the Cheshire West and Chester Council website for the 6th May. Please click the ‘Notice of Referendum’ tab to view
CWaCC have also published a Referendum Information Statement, please click the tab opposite to view. This document is copied below for your information.

Referendum Information Statement_cwacc.pdf
File Size: 718 kb
File Type: pdf

Download File

CWaCC have also published a General Information Statement about Neighbourhood Plans, please click the tab opposite to view. ​This document is copied below for your information.

General Information Statement_cwacc.pdf
File Size: 161 kb
File Type: pdf

Download File

The neighbourhood plan and other ‘specified documents’ are available via the “Supporting Documents” tab opposite.
​The ‘specified documents’ are:

  • Neighbourhood plan
  • A summary of the representations submitted to the examiner
  • Examiner’s report
  • Statement from the Council relating to basic conditions and provisions
  • Statement setting out information about town and country planning, neighbourhood planning and the referendum
  • Referendum information statement (which provides detailed information relating to the referendum and how to vote).

Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan
​Referendum Information Statement

A Referendum relating to the Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 6th May 2021. The question which will be asked in the Referendum is:
“Do you want Cheshire West and Chester Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Darnhall area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?” 
The Referendum area is identified on the map which is included with this Information Statement. The Referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the Darnhall Neighbourhood area.
Who is entitled to vote? 
A person is entitled to vote in the Referendum if on Thursday 6th May 2021.

  • he or she is entitled to vote in a local government election in the Referendum area (if registered to vote and is 18 years of age or over on Thursday 6th May 2021); and
  • his or her qualifying address for the election is in the Referendum area. A persons qualifying address is, in relation to a person registered in the register of electors, the address in respect of which he or she is entitled to be registered.

You have to be registered to vote by Monday 19th April 2021 in order to vote in the referendum. 
You can check if you are registered to vote by calling 01244 977084.
If you are not on the electoral register, you will need to go online to and complete an online application form.
Remember………. If you’re not registered, you won’t be able to vote.
How to vote
There are three ways of voting:
In person: on Thursday 6th May 2021
Most people vote in person at their local polling station. It is easy and a member of staff will always help if you are not sure what to do.

  • You will receive a poll card telling you where your polling station is.
  • Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

·         If you do not receive your poll card, you can contact Democratic Services on 01244 977084 to find out where your polling station is.
By post:

  • To vote by post, fill in an application form and send it to Democratic Services, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Council Offices, 4 Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE to arrive by 5:00 pm on Tuesday 20th April 2021
  • Ballot papers can be sent overseas, but you need to think about whether you will have time to receive and return your ballot papers by 10pm on Thursday 6th May 2021
  • You should receive your postal vote about a week before polling day. If it doesn’t arrive in time, you can get a replacement up to 5pm on Thursday 6th May 2021

By proxy:If you can’t go to the polling station and don’t wish to vote by post, you may be able to vote by proxy. This means allowing somebody you trust to vote on your behalf. Proxy vote application forms are available from Democratic Services on 01244 977084 and must be returned by 5pm on Tuesday 27th April 2021.
Referendum expenses 
The Referendum expenses limit that will apply in relation to the Referendum is £2372.86. The number of persons entitled to vote in the Referendum by reference to which that limit has been calculated is 184.
The Referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.
Specified documents 
The specified documents are:

  • The Darnhall Neighbourhood Development Plan;
  • Report of the independent examiner;
  • Summary of the representations submitted to the independent examiner;
  • Statement by the local planning authority that the draft plan meets the basic conditions and complies with the relevant legislation;
  • A statement that sets out general information about town and country planning including neighbourhood planning and the referendum.

The specified documents listed above can be viewed via the following link:
If you are having difficulties viewing the documents online, please contact 01244 973887.
The documents can also be viewed online at the following Council offices, however due to COVID-19 restrictions, an appointment must be made in advance by contacting 01244 977265

  • HQ, 58, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP;
  • Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AH;
  • Civic Way, 4, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

Dated: Wednesday 24th March 2021
Andrew Lewis Counting Officer
Cheshire West and Chester Council HQ, 58 Nicholas Street
Chester, CH1 2NP

General Information Statement

Cheshire West and Chester Council

Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

About this leaflet
On Thursday 6th May 2021 there will be a referendum on a neighbourhood plan for your area, the Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan. This leaflet contains information about the planning system and neighbourhood planning. It also explains how you can take part in the referendum.
The Planning System
The planning system helps decide what gets built, where and when. It is essential for supporting economic growth, providing new homes and protecting the natural environment. Most new buildings, major changes to existing buildings or major changes to the local environment need planning permission. Without a planning system everyone could construct buildings or use land in any way they wanted, no matter what effect this would have on other people who live and work in their area.
Cheshire West and Chester Council is responsible for deciding whether most forms of development should go ahead within the borough. Decisions are based on national planning policy and the development plan.
National Planning Policy Framework
The National Planning Policy Framework provides guidance to local councils in drawing up Local Plans and on making decisions on planning applications.
The Development Plan
A development plan is a set of documents that include policies for the development and use of land across the local authority area. It includes Local Plans and Neighbourhood Plans.
Local Plans
The Cheshire West and Chester Local Plan (Part One) Strategic Policies and Local Plan (Part Two) Land Allocations and Detailed Policies provides the planning policy framework for the Darnhall area. The Local Plan includes requirements for new housing, employment and other forms of development up to 2030.

Neighbourhood Plans 
What are they?
Their purpose is to give local communities greater influence on future development in their local area by establishing a set of policies which will be used in making decisions on planning applications.
Neighbourhood plans are required by law to meet certain “Basic Conditions”. They must take account of national planning policy and the Local Plan. They must contribute to achieving sustainable development and be compatible with EU obligations and human rights requirements. Importantly, they should not be used to prevent development which is allowed for in the Local Plan.
Who makes them?]
Neighbourhood plans are prepared by town or parish councils or specially established neighbourhood forums. There is a set process that must be followed to make a plan.
How are they made?
The plan must be prepared through a process of consultation with local residents and businesses. An independent examiner then reviews the plan and checks whether it meets the basic conditions and other legal requirements. The examiner reports on whether any changes should be made to the plan and whether it should proceed to the referendum stage.
At the referendum, local residents can vote on whether the neighbourhood plan should be used to help decide planning applications in the area. All those registered to vote within the neighbourhood area are entitled to vote in the referendum.
What status do Neighbourhood Plans have?
If more than half of those voting have voted in favour of the neighbourhood plan, the local planning authority must make it part of the development plan for the area. This means that the plan will be used as a basis for making decisions on planning applications.
Additional information in relation to neighbourhood planning is available on the following website:–2
The Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan 
The Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by a Neighbourhood Plan Steering group on behalf of Darnhall Parish Council. Preparation of the plan has followed the legal requirements and it has recently been subject to an

independent examination. The examiner produced a report on the plan which concluded that, with some minor changes, the plan meets the necessary tests. Cheshire West and Chester Council has agreed with the examiner’s conclusions. The plan can now proceed to referendum.
The Referendum
The referendum will take place on Thursday 6th May 2021.
A referendum asks you to vote “yes” or “no” to a question. For this referendum the question you will be asked is:

“Do you want Cheshire West and Chester Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for the Darnhall area to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
You show your choice by putting a cross (X) in the ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ box on your ballot paper. Put a cross in only one box or your vote will not be counted.
More detailed information on the Referendum is available in the Referendum Information Statement. 

Further information
The following documents are available to help you to decide how to vote:

  • The Darnhall Neighbourhood Plan;
  • The report of the independent examiner;
  • A summary of the representations submitted to the independent examiner;
  • A statement by the local planning authority that the draft plan meets the basic conditions and complies with the relevant legislation;
  • This note for information.

The specified documents listed above can be viewed via the following link:
The documents can also be viewed online at the following Council offices, however due to COVID-19 restrictions, an appointment must be made in advance by contacting: 01244 977265

  • HQ, 58, Nicholas Street, Chester, CH1 2NP;
  • Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, CW7 1AH;
  • Civic Way, 4, Civic Way, Ellesmere Port, CH65 0BE

How to find out more

March 2021